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Retail & Consumer Products

For retailers, success requires using multiple channels to reach consumers, then giving customers what they want, when and where they want it.

We also work with clients to make their supply chains transparent; using the Internet, they can share product and marketing information with suppliers and customers.

And because selling great products is simply not enough, we also help companies build great customer relationships. Our comprehensive customer relationship management strategies can enable you to integrate sales strategies across channels; improve distribution, delivery and customer service; and harness technology to enable an intelligent "sense and respond" approach to retailing by tracking individual purchasing patterns, linking supplier information with customer data, and ensuring that inventory and distribution respond accordingly.

Leading-edge logistics and supply chain management technologies are reshaping relationships among manufacturers and retailers to better meet the needs of the consumer. Successful companies must learn to reshape their sales, marketing, accounting and logistics processes.

Our consumer products teams understand how to successfully adapt your company to meet the requirements of this rapidly changing industry. We build a team of experienced specialists from each of our three consulting areas who work together with you to deliver a solution that meets your need, be it strategic change, performance improvement or technology solutions.

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